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(创建页面,内容为“category:PHP PMS '''MantisBT螳螂''' * mantis界面友好,邮件配置需要修改config default inc,及config inc; * 尝试多次后发生邮件数据…”)

2018年5月3日 (四) 18:34的版本


  • mantis界面友好,邮件配置需要修改config default inc,及config inc;
  • 尝试多次后发生邮件数据阻截,系统奔溃;
  • 系统似乎为OS开发专用,不适合目前需求;
  • 国内二次开发资源丰富,适合可以投入预算的企业级别使用;
  • 用户UI体验虽好,但系统配置功能较弱。


 - 在新版的Mantis配置里面默认通过接收激活邮件来设定用户密码。
 - 如果只是想注册新用户时同时可以绕过邮箱验证,在Mantis目录下config_defaults_inc.php文件中找到$g_send_reset_password,然后设置成:$g_send_reset_password = OFF  即可。
 - 重新使用administrator账号及密码,登录mantis, 依次选择 管理 -> 用户管理 -> “创建用户”, 可以看到填写密码的输入框


    • Mantis Email settings**

Configuring the email settings is challenging task for most of the users start working with Mantis. The confusion is partially caused because PHP (so therefore Mantis) does not give you a very precise description about why it can not deliver emails.

The goal of this topic is to show you how to configure your mantis to work with gmail (so register a gmail account if you dont have one). Once you made it work with gmail you can make sure your system is capable to deliver the emails, so then you can apply your own settings (you may want to use yahoo mail, or your company enviroment)

    • Most of the cases the configuration is very easy:**
 - open your config_inc.php (located in: <XAMPP>\htdocs\mantis\ or <WAMP>\www\mantis\ )
 - copy the following code to the file:


 $g_allow_signup	 = ON;  //allows the users to sign up for a new account
 $g_enable_email_notification = ON; //enables the email messages
 $g_phpMailer_method = PHPMAILER_METHOD_SMTP;
 $g_smtp_host = 'smtp.gmail.com';
 $g_smtp_connection_mode = 'tls';
 $g_smtp_port = 587;
 $g_smtp_username = 'youraccount@gmail.com'; //replace it with your gmail address
 $g_smtp_password = '*********'; //replace it with your gmail password
 $g_administrator_email = 'youradmin@whatever.com'; //this will be your administrator email address
 - go to your Mantis homepage (http://localhost/mantis)
 - click sign up for a new account
 - create a dummy account with your gmail address
 - press Signup
 - check your mail

If everything is alright then you have received an email which proves that your system is installed properly and capable to send emails. From this point it is your task to figure out the smtp settings of the system you want to use. (so the settings are different for lets say the yahoo mail)

    • What to do if you still dont receive emails?**
 * Check if you use right gmail account and password
 * If you are about to use gmail then you may have to authenticate mantis to access to your account. You can do this in you gmail account by going to your account -> security -> scroll down to Connected applications and sites and click manage access. If you are using this security feature of gmail then you have to use the generated password in your config_inc.php
 * If you are using XAMPP then make sure you have enabled the openssl service by checking your /xampp/php/php.ini for the following line: extension=php_openssl.dll; if it does not exist then shut down the http service, add the line and restart the http service.
 * If you are using WAMP server then make sure you have enabled the Apache >>Apache modules>>ssl_module AND PHP>>Php extensions>>php_openssl
 * You can try to call the built in test_email page from your browser at http://localhost/mantis/admin/test_email.php (this one actually tries to send an email to the address defined with $g_administrator_email [see above])
 * If you are about to use gmail then you may have to authenticate mantis to access to your account. You can do this in you gmail account by going to your account -> security -> scroll down to Connected applications and sites and click manage access. If you are using this security feature of gmail then you have to use the generated password in your config_inc.php
    • If you still have problems with the emails you can try to create a purely php solution.**
 - Unzip the attached file and copy the 'testmail.php' file in your htdocs (XAMPP) or www (WAMP) folder
 - Open it in notepad and edit the email address and the password
 - go to a browser and call the file (like http://localhost/testmail.php)
 - check your inbox
    • Please proceed these steps before asking for further help.**

Php pms:testmail.zip

    • 配置邮箱** \\


 - 修改MantisBT/config_defaults_inc.php
 # MantisBT Email Settings #
 * #mantis网页上显示的邮箱
   * $g_webmaster_email = 'lijie_weibo@sina.com';
 * #收件人邮箱中显示的发送邮箱
   * $g_from_email = 'lijie_weibo@sina.com';
 * #收件人邮箱中显示的发送方的名称
   * $g_from_name= 'Mantis Bug Tracker';
 * #你回复邮件时的接收方,和发件箱保持一致
   * $g_return_path_email = 'lijie_weibo@sina.com';
 * #可以为空
   * g_administrator_email = 'lijie_weibo@sina.com';
 * #邮箱提醒功能
   * g_enable_email_notification = ON;

 - 修改MantisBT/config/config_inc.php
 # Email Configuration #
 * #发送方式选择,一般用smtp
   * $g_phpMailer_method = PHPMAILER_METHOD_SMTP;
 * #发件箱的服务器,根据自己想用的邮箱进行配置,我这里用的sina邮箱
 * #当所有都修改完仍然不能接收到邮件时,可以查看发件箱服务器是否配置正确
   * $g_smtp_host = 'smtp.sina.com.cn'; 
 * #发件箱用户名(到时候其他人收到的就是这个邮箱发送的邮件)
   * $g_smtp_username = 'lijie_weibo';
 * #发件箱的密码
   * $g_smtp_password = 'xxxx'; 
 * #可以为空
   * $g_administrator_email  = 'lijie_weibo@sina.com';
   * $g_webmaster_email      = 'lijie_weibo@sina.com';
   * $g_from_email           = 'lijie_weibo@sina.com'; 
 * #是否启用phpmailer
   * $g_use_phpMailer = ON;
 * #phpmailer的位置
   * $g_phpMailer_path = '/xx/xx/lampp/htdocs/MantisBT/library/phpmailer';